Sample:Titanium Cathodes

Sample:Titanium Cathodes
Sample:Titanium CathodesSample:Titanium CathodesSample:Titanium CathodesSample:Titanium CathodesSample:Titanium Cathodes
CategoriesSample: Double metal &Three layers composite metal busbar,Cathodes
BrandSpecial Steel Titanium Industry
FOB portShanghai
Terms of PaymentL/C, T/T
Update TimeMar 12,2025
Detail Information

Titanium cathode ismainly used in electrolysis and hydrometallurgy.
Titanium cathode instead of copper cathode of newtechnology of producing starting, the application oftitanium cathode is of great significance in the copper electrolysisproduction, to improve the quality of electrolytic copper grade, production ofhigh purity Yin grade copper, provides a very favorable conditions:
1. The titanium cathode  has good chemicalstability. Among various kinds of acid andalkali medium, has good corrosion resistance, in copper electrolyte medium, thecorrosion rate is only 0.011 mm/year. 

2.Titanium cathode surface to form a continuous and dense, homogeneousoxidation film, make the copper strip extremely easily, therefore, in theproduction of the starting there is no need to use soap as a release agent. Titanium cathode is mainly used in electrolysisand hydrometallurgy.

Titanium cathode instead of copper cathode of newtechnology of producing starting, the application oftitanium cathode is of great significance in the copper electrolysisproduction, to improve the quality of electrolytic copper grade, production ofhigh purity Yin grade copper, provides a very favorable conditions:
1. The titanium cathode  has good chemicalstability. Among various kinds of acid andalkali medium, has good corrosion resistance, in copper electrolyte medium, thecorrosion rate is only 0.011 mm/year. 
2. Titanium cathode surface to form a continuous anddense, homogeneous oxidation film, make the copper strip extremely easily,therefore, in the production of the starting there is no need to use soap as arelease agent. 
3. Because of the difference of thermal expansion coefficient oftitanium, copper, cast all made in titanium plate copper and titanium plateeasy separation, can be torn by hand.
4. The proportion of titanium cathode is small, lightweight, its weight is only copper I / 2, Greatly reduce the labor intensity, easy tooperation. 
5. Can be used at higher current density, improve the utilizationefficiency of electrolyzer, expanding production capacity.

Our company production of titanium plate, permanent stainless steelcathode, excellent performance, long service life, won the domestic and foreigncustomers consistent high praise.

Permanent cathode electrolytic method ismainly used for metal electrolytic refining.Electrolysis is using the oxidation- reduction reaction principle, the Cu2 positively charged, flow to thecathode, electrolyte enrichment, at the cathode reduction for copper,adsorption on the cathode, cathode copper of high purity.Permanent cathodecopper electrolysis technology characteristics of stainless steel cathode platecan be repeatedly used, into the cell also don't need the home isolation agent,straightening, etc.It in theelectrolytic cell by cathodic protection, corrosion will not happen, thepractice has proved that service life can reach more than 15 years, even if theinjury is more for mechanical damage, small also to repair mechanical damage,normal next damage rate < 1%.Compared with the traditionalmethod has the characteristics of 1. The high current density, very low currentdensity is up to 350 or so, pole pitch in around 100 cm.2. The cathode cycle isshort Cathode cycle is 68 days, short cycle of cathode copper quality is good,can be long in order to reduce the cathode particles.3. The disability rate islow Because of the cathode plate straight, uniform power distribution, is noteasy to short circuit, the In anodic dissolution is evener, improve theutilization rate of the anode.4. Low steam consumption of permanent averagesteam consumption per ton of cathode copper cathode method under 0.4 t,traditional method at about 0.6 t.5. High cell voltage, high dc powerconsumption with permanent cathode electrolytic technology 1. The process issimplified Because the stainless steel cathode plate can be used repeatedly,eliminating the complicated manufacturing process of starting, simplify theproduction process, reduces the equipment, site, and operations personnel.2.The products are of good quality (1) stainless steel cathode plate straight,not easy deformation, uniform and electrolytic production of powerdistribution, uniform cathode copper precipitation density, less particles.(2)from the cathode cathode copper strip, to avoid the starting sheet surfaceoxidation caused in the process of production, storage, pollution, and into thegroove after the formation of impurities in the center of the cathode copperlayer.(3) product without lifting climbing, easy to clean.3. Large capacity perunit area Polar distance is small, the current density is bigger, productionworkshop, no starting electrolytic workshop area is small, so the yield perunit area.4. The production of low cost,good economic benefit

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